Opeyemi Akintunde

The next morning was a Sunday morning, the house was quiet but it was obvious no one had a decent sleep. The aura of hatred was so strong in the house.

Florence was so heartbroken, she kept sobbing. She hated the sight of everyone including her mom.


Mrs Adesina sat on the floor in the living room all night regretting what she had done,

“God forgive me, what is really happening? Or did Temi mistakenly put the hatred powder in my daughter’s meal, maybe she did and Tade is beginning to hate Florence, I am doomed. Ha! I have to solve this”

Tade laid on his bed with Josephine playing with his head.

Tade’s face was facing Florence’s picture in their room. He couldn’t help but think….

“God, what is happening to me, why am I madly drawn to Josephine sexually when I still love my wife? This has to stop”

Tade jumped up…

“Josephine, this can not continue, it is not right….” He couldn’t complete the statement because as he looked into her eyes, he was trapped again, and his words changed.

“I know it is not right, but I can’t help it”

“Come to me” Josephine said

As Tade moved closer to her, his eyes caught sight of his picture with Florence at another corner of the room.

“No I can’t do this” this time around he decided not to look into her eyes

“Josephine, leave my room”

“Tade, you are chasing me out of your room, look at me and tell me to get out’

“Josephine, there is no point looking at you, get out of my room”

Tade knew he was under a strong control. He wished he could bring down his head from off his neck and reset it.

Tade heard a knock at his door… He thought it was Josephine again.

“Josephine, I said stay out of my room”

‘Yes, she has to stay out of your room, and out of your life” Gbemi said as she walked in

“Gbemi, what are you doing here? Can you see what you have caused? Can you see what you and Maami have done to me”

“I am sorry Broda mii ( My brother)I didn’t know Josephine had something evil up her sleeve”

“One of the reasons I didn’t marry Josephine was because of her constant consultations with herbalists, Prophets, Alfas, now you have brought her into my home”

“Broda mii, we all need to leave your house, that’s what Aunty Favour told me”

‘Aunty Favour? Who is Aunty Favour?”

“The Director of the Lighthouse Academy you took me to retake my S.S.C.E.”

“Oh! Madam Favour, you told her about this?”

“Yes, yesterday night. I noticed Temi was smiling when everywhere was in chaos”

“Temi, the maid?”


“Or is she the witch influencing everything?’

“It is possible, but on the other hand this whole drama started before she came, so like Aunty Favour told me, you need to send everyone of us out of your house”

” Hmm…Do you think that is possible? How can I send Maami away after all she has done for us. Gbemi, my father did not accept me, I grew up calling your father my father. Your father died when we were young and Maami had to be the one suffering to raise us up. How can I then send her away?” Tade said sobbing…


Opeyemi Akintunde

Tade was seated in the living room and every one was present, there was a knock at the door. Tade went to the door to open. It was Aunty Favour and an elderly man on white. The moment Tade saw the elderly man after greeting Aunty Favour, he was surprised, he fell flat on his face…

“Daddy, you came to my house?’ Tade said clearly overwhelmed.

“Yes! Favour and Gbemi asked that I pay you a visit” The elderly man replied

When the others in the house sighted him, they rose to their feet in fear and honour.

“Wow! What a crowded house, before I can do anything here send everyone out” The elderly man said as he observed the crowd.


Tade woke up from his sleep shocked

“What kind of dream is this? Madam Favour and a man on white”


Florence walked into the living room and found the whole place scattered. She saw strange faces, she saw a herbalist in her living room with some demons around him, he was discussing with her mom, she saw a group of witches playing with Josephine and Temi.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, on looking back, it was Tade.

“Florence, why did we allow so many strange things in our home?”

“It beats me too, Gbemi said we need to sweep all of them out before we can have our peace”


“Yes… look at her over there, she is not happy with what is happening here”

Gbemi from where she sat mouthed

“I am sorry”

“So how do we chase them out” Florence

‘I know someone who can direct us on how to get strong evictors”


“Aunty Favour”


Florence felt someone rubbing her back, it was only Tade that rubbed her back that way. The moment she realized it could be Tade, anger rose in her spirit. She opened her eyes and disappointedly it was not Tade, it was Gbemi…

“What is it? Don’t you ever touch me again”

‘Aunty Florence, I am sorry about what is happening. Please can I talk to you privately?”

Gbemi whispered so as not to wake the two mother-in-laws who were asleep in the living room

“Oh! Lord, touch her heart to follow me” Gbemi prayed silently within

“Say what you have to say, I am listening, you want me to follow you, so you can kill me in private, at least you have done your worst, you have brought you brother’s ex to the house”

“Aunty Florence, I had nothing to do with this, I am sorry, it went beyond our plan, we just wanted to use her to get you jealous” Gbemi whispered.

“Aunty Florence, please come into your room and let us talk, I have a lot to explain”

Florence reluctantly stood up, a part of her wanted to scream at Gbemi, but the dream she just woke up from showed Gbemi as a solution provider.

“Thank you” Gbemi mouthed