TEACHER CHUKS; Season 4 (Part 21) – Opeyemi Akintunde


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Part 21 ‘Finale’
Opeyemi Akintunde

Favour insisted I visited a specialist hospital as regards the prostrate cancer and get as much information on the issue ….

“Early-stage prostate cancer usually grows very slowly and may take years to cause any symptoms or other health problems, that is if it ever does at all. Therefore, I will suggest active surveillance and also Radiation therapy , that is external-beam or brachytherapy is recommended as well. The only issue we have is that you have a very high Gleason score, what that implies Mr Chuks is that the cancer is growing faster, so radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy is your best option.“ the doctor said to me. He had no expression of emotion whatsoever. He sat in front of me like a wall that could not be penetrated, but I cared less as I needed answers…

“ Doctor, you just spoke above my head…can you say all you have said in a one line sentence…” I said

“ The cancer has spread so fast and is still spreading, we advise we do a surgery, but the disadvantage of the surgery is that afterwards you may suffer erectile dysfunction and may not be able to ejaculate semen again..” the doctor said and I understood perfectly….

Simply put, the same s€xual organ I used in having fun was about to destroy or kill me and the only way to save me was to make it non-functional…

I smiled and stood up..

“ When do you intend to start your treatment?” The doctor asked…

“ Soon, but I have some loose ends to tie.” I said as I walked out in joy.

I couldn’t tell why I was full of Joy, but I was…

On getting back to my office at the Lighthouse. I picked up my book I intended to write my proposal in….

“God, I thank you for the opportunity to be alive… God , If you can keep me alive …..
*I will raise teenagers who will be on fire for you…
*I will raise godly ladies who will be great wives in the future
*I will raise Godly young men who will be great Husbands in the future.
*I will create a Lighthouse in each state of this country.
*I will create a Lighthouse in each country in Africa…”

I wanted to write the last one , but I felt I could not achieve it… I hoped to build a Lighthouse in all the countries of the World…

I dropped my pen and I suddenly felt like visiting the gents to do the major. I rushed towards my toilet and for 5 minutes , nothing came out of my anus.

The stomach cramps was second to none , that I started groaning in pains and I had tears trickling down my face…

“ God … What is this now, is this one of the symptoms of the cancer… ?

“ No!” I was sure I heard that, so I pushed my luck…

“ God, then what is the pain?”

“ You can’t pass out what you have not eaten!” I heard the words loud and clear…

Oh! That was true, I had not eaten in days, I had lost appetite for food, I mostly drank water, so here was I trying to force myself to pass out poo.

I laughed at myself, but I suddenly stopped as the real meaning of what God was trying to tell me hit me…

God had replied my proposal immediately, but his reply was …

“ Son, you have great plans, but you can’t release to these teenagers what you don’t have on the inside of you… You have to eat more of God before you can feed the teenagers…”

The words kept pouring into my heart. It felt like a friend sat with me in the toilet speaking to me…

“ 1 John 1:3” I heard this invisible friend say to me. I jumped from the toilet and rushed at my Bible.

“ What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join with us in the fellowship that we have with the father and with his Son Jesus Christ..,”

I read it over and over like a zillion times to get what God was saying…

I finally got it…

You can only announce to people what you have seen or heard about God… Therefore, God was telling me to have my relationship with Him first before thinking about touching the lives of the teenagers…

“Hmm…” I sat back at how Amazing God is… I wondered how God could still be interested in a relationship with a deep sinner like me…I realized that though God was interested in the lives of the unsaved teenagers, He wanted me First.

I knelt before the King of kings and rededicated my life to God. I told Him I was ready to fill up myself with Him, so I could be able to pass on my knowledge and experience of Him to the teenagers…

I started from the scratch….

To be continued in Teacher Chuks Season 5
(Scroll down for the link)

DEEP THOTS NOVELS (+234-8151103646)


CLICK HERE TO READ TEACHER CHUKS SEASON 5 (Complete Story) by Opeyemi Akintunde

Thanks for following this story.
To get the hard copy of this novel “TEACHER CHUKS”.  Please contact the writter on WhatsApp on +234-8151103646.  God bless you!
Story Written By: Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

If this story and prayers have blessed and touched your life, remember to say a Word of Prayer for the Author, Mrs. Opeyemi Akintunde née Ojerinde, the writer of this story as INSPIRED by the HOLY SPIRIT…May God never depart from her Life and Home…And for your free gift of Love to her and the ministry in other to publish or produce more of these life changing stories and movies, your gifts are welcomed in cash and Kind…

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